Nearly 14 months have elapsed since we all got together on the 22nd of December 2019 at ITC Sonar, to share and catch up on news and views. It has been the most unusual and trying phase in living memory. But I trust we have left the worst behind and can look forward to plan and execute the projects which will not only take JAAC forward in the coming days but also fill us with a sense of contented altruism.
Even in the restrained times, the active members of JAAC have been able to do their bit as and when necessary:
1. Mobilising funds for Sonali Roy of 1984 batch, in her severe illness
Rs. 1,78, 700
2. Given from JAAC fund for incidental expenses
Rs. 10,000
3. Sponsoring the education of Ivan Biswas, a five year old son of a Group D staff of St Joseph’s School, Kanchrapara
Rs. 35 000/- (per annum)
4. SAVE SUNDARBAN– a mangrove reforestation project
Rs. 2360/-
Two instances where we wanted to lend a helping hand but could not do so were:
1 . Counselling Sessions for students of St Joseph’s Convent Chandanagar – Absence of students due to the Pandemic
2 . Rubeka Ghosh of 2002 batch (Kidney Transplant)- Lack of Funds
Fund raising is always a delicate process, humiliating for the ones soliciting the funds and often good intentions are viewed with suspicion. But funds are necessary to continue with the SERVICE TO SOCIETY that we are committed to. We strongly feel, the purpose of JAAC will be lost if it is limited to reunions & get togethers alone.
I request all exstudents of St. Joseph’s Convent, Chandannagar to come forward to help us undertake more projects. For this, funds are required. If nothing else, each one’s annual subscription will go a long way to motivate us. To ascertain that your money is being fruitfully used we will put up the annual ‘Account Statement’ on the Website. However, to access the Website you have to register yourself as a member of JAAC.
I look forward to your full-fledged cooperation and constructive suggestions to support JAAC so that it can uphold all the values our Alma Mater so lovingly instilled in us.
Mandira Bose
March 21, 2021
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