At a time when the world has had to adapt to the ‘new norm’ of living as an extension of the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health was one of the most impacted health condition after COVID-19 that affected the young and old alike. Of course, there were other serious impacts of loss of livelihood, job losses, pay cuts all impacting on economic conditions of a large cross section of people, migrant, casual workers, informal and formal sector, all grappling with both the virus and survival.
Career counsellors are individuals who may guide students to choose appropriate career pathways based on their interests, skills and abilities. The main objective of career counselling is to help students pick a field that complements their abilities and skills the most. It is aimed to address their needs in the educational stream so that they are able to choose a career path matching with their aspirations, interest, inclination and aptitude as also to link them up with mechanisms (such as scholarships, skill development programmes, internship and apprenticeship opportunities and the like) in the pursuit of career choices. This is expected to ameliorate the high drop-out rates observed at various stages in the educational system as also improved retention in jobs.
During the lockdown as people felt an overwhelming fear of the virus and uncertainty of the future, students in particular were certainly onces that were thrown in a worldwind of anxiety and concern. They were already having to learn to cope with emontions in spaces earlier filled by their friends and peers.
Additionally there was the uncertainty of schools reopening and those due to appear for their boards went through challenging emotions. During these stressful times, professional counsellors and schools supporting though varius online activties and counselling like sessions that created opportunities to listen empathetically to students and also understand their fears and concerns and attempt to soothe and rationalise them to the best extent possible.
Career counselling emerged as a key area of discussion to helo? students to gather their thoughts and plan for their individual growth ladder.
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